Sunday, September 28, 2008

Row Your Boat

We like to play "row, row, row your boat" in the big green rocking chair.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chuck E Cheese's

Our good friend Stacy invited Elisha and I to Chuck E. Cheese's to meet some of her friends one day while Micah was at school. Elisha loved eating pizza and playing.
It seemed like she recognized Bob the Builder and Scoop from Micah's toys.

Here's Stacy's friend Berkley. Her mom and I were both in Stacy's wedding. That was in 2001. We hadn't seen each other since. I now have two kids and she has gotten married and started a family since then, too. It's amazing what can change in 7 years...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tubbie Time with Micah

I think this one speaks for itself; here a picture truly is worth a thousand words.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

She's 9 months old!

Elisha is 9 months old. She's standing well by herself and getting so close to taking steps. She's using her signs well - please, more, all done, get down. We've been having fun spending time just Elisha and Mommy while Micah is at school two mornings a week. Such a big girl...

She loves the playgrounds at Chick-fil-A and the Mall of Georgia, where she can play well by herself.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Big Girl

She'll be 9 months next week and look at all the big girl things she can do.Big Girl Games: I put Elisha in a laundry hamper to occupy her and keep her safe while I moved laundry from the washer to the dryer and she played peak-a-boo with me.
Big Girl Pajamas: These two piece pajamas without footies make her look like such a little girl and not a baby.
Big Girl Tricks: Here she is standing up with no assistance. She has been doing this more and more often lately. We're anxiously awaiting her first steps.
Big Girl Bunny Bath Towel: She doesn't fit in those baby towels any more. When I wrapped her up in this towel and showed her herself in the mirror, she got tickled.
Big Girl Food: Here she is eating an English muffin pizza, peas and peaches - the exact meal I served Micah (except she ate hers with her hands).

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Super Girl

It's really amazing how much she really wants to be just like her big brother. Check her out in his cape. Can you see how proud she is in her expression? She also eats best if she's got exactly the same thing on her plate as he has on his. What a little personality!