Monday, October 13, 2008

Superheros & Smiles

Why do you think Elisha is smiling?
A. She knows Micah is already in bed and she is still up.
B. She's standing by herself to play and is proud.
C. She really likes playing with Micah's superheros.
D. She just really loves superheros.
It could be any of the above. I don't think we'll ever know. She's a little mystery!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Books are fun!

Elisha has recently discovered books. I've been reading to her more often and also asking her to sit in the reading corner (bean bag chair and a basket of books) in their room for a few minutes a few days a week. I think she's decided books are fun. This is a great thing she's learned from her big brother!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Micah & Me

So, they've started sitting in the big green rocking chair, eating snack, drinking juice and watching shows on TV together. They are so cute cuddled up together and Micah dialogs to Elisha, describing what's going on. I'm trilled what good buddies they're becoming!