Sunday, February 15, 2009

13 months

13 months = a touch of chicken pox from the vaccine, time with Aunt Di, girls' day complete with warm vanilla from Starbucks and dress shopping for Aunt Andrea's wedding, pigtails, and her first German restaurant

Elisha plays so well with little cousin Norah. Here's Norah with a truck Elisha gave her.

Another trip to PA '09

At the beginning of February, the kids and I headed to PA again to be with my mom's family. Grandad passed away and we were able to be in town for the funeral and to see family Elisha had never met, including Uncle Tim's family.

Four generations: Grammie Force, Oma Schneider, Elisha and me

Elisha had fun playing in the game room at Grammie's nursing home with my cousin Danny.

Even though she wasn't so sure at first, Elisha ended up really enjoying her time in the snow.