Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trip to Texas

Oma and Opa took Elisha with them to Texas to visit Uncle Matt, Auntie Kim and cousin Charlotte. Reported activities include the flight, Dallas aquarium, Charlotte's ball pit and chasing Uncle Matt around the living room as he spun on the Sit-n-Spin. What an adventure!

Trip dates: 12/23-26/2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Toe Nails with Amber

Our housemate Amber was painting her toe nails in the living room one night. Elisha decided that she wanted to have hers done, too. We weren't sure if she would sit still. That ended up not being a problem at all. She was determined enough to have her toe nails painting, that she sat very still, watching intently and smiling the whole time. It's really funny to me sometimes, just how feminine she less than 2 years old.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Big Girl Bed

It's been quite a time of transition in our house during the past month. Heather and Eric moved out and Amber moved in. Micah and Elisha moved into a bigger room. And this weekend Micah and Elisha got their bunk bed. Elisha is transitioning to a big girl bed. She likes the idea, but it's been a little tough for her to stay in the bed at night.