Big Girl
She'll be 9 months next week and look at all the big girl things she can do.
Big Girl Games: I put Elisha in a laundry hamper to occupy her and keep her safe while I moved laundry from the washer to the dryer and she played peak-a-boo with me.
Big Girl Pajamas: These two piece pajamas without footies make her look like such a little girl and not a baby.
Big Girl Tricks: Here she is standing up with no assistance. She has been doing this more and more often lately. We're anxiously awaiting her first steps.
Big Girl Bunny Bath Towel: She doesn't fit in those baby towels any more. When I wrapped her up in this towel and showed her herself in the mirror, she got tickled.
Big Girl Food: Here she is eating an English muffin pizza, peas and peaches - the exact meal I served Micah (except she ate hers with her hands).

In each picture you can see her little personality coming out! Adorable little girl
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