Uncle Matt, Auntie Kim and baby Charlotte (3/11/08) live in Texas. We took a road trip to go visit at the beginning of July. Elisha did great in the car all 17 hours there. She talked and played and when she got fussy, her passifier and Piglet helped her drift off to sleep. Opa flew to out join us. Baby Charlotte is as cute as a button and she and Elisha were the same size, even though Elisha is almost 3 months older. It's so strange to me that Elisha is so small compared to other family babies. We tried to get some cousin pictures with Oma and Opa, but it proved a bit more difficult than we thought...

We didn't take any pictures, but one of the highlights of the trip for Elisha was our trip to the pool. She played - splashing, kicking, talking, squealing - for over an hour before she got tired. Matt and I took turns playing with Micah and holding Elisha.

On the way home Oma treated us to a night in a hotel. Elisha loved playing in the swimming pool and also really enjoyed her portable crib. She's so easy to please!

Amazing how much Baby Charlotte looks like her Daddy.
Elisha in the crib is my favorite pic
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