Elisha started eating solid foods - avacados, rice, sweet potatoes and the like - the beginning of June, just before she turned six months. Since then, she has started sitting up on her own and posing for the camera. She is so close to crawling. All she has left to figure out is how to get her arms moving. Sometimes it looks like she is about to turn a summersault, as she is up on all fours with her head on the floor. She also walks well holding onto someone's hands.
We transitioned her into a bigger car seat and out of the baby bathtub into a tub chair. She took her first bath with Micah last Monday and they had so much fun.

She has also started communicating. She says hi, hey, again and all-done. Sometimes her use of again is a little askew - when she really means 'more' or 'I want something'. She's using her baby sign for eat and recognizes a few others.
She's also decided that she wants to eat finger foods, too. She really isn't big enough to do this, but she is proving to be fiercely independent like her brother. One morning this week, in an effort to keep her occupied while I made breakfast, I put her in her high chair and put a few O's (Cherrioes type cereal) on her tray. Oma helped her figure out how to get them in her mouth. She felt so big and so proud of her self - this was obvious. Then it was time to eat breakfast. When the spoon got to her mouth, she clamped it shut and then signed eat. At first I was a little confused. Then I pretended to not understand. Eventually I gave in and let her eat more O's,

with bites of babyfood snuck into her mouth when I could. Lunchtime was similar. At dinner she ate her babyfood and then I gave her a piece of celery and a carrot stick. Those guys made her very happy, too.
Elisha also survived her six month check up. She is now 27 1/2 inches long and weighs just shy of 16 pounds.