Friday, July 3, 2009

Accessory Girl

Elisha has become quite the little accessory girl. On Wednesday morning I found Elisha in her room. When I asked her what she was doing, she said, "Get dressed. Flowers, please?" So she picked out a dress with flowers on it and a matching bow and we got her dressed. It's amazing that she knows what she wants to wear at 18 months. Later in the day, she put on one of Micah's pj tops and a hat and came to show Daddy. (See the post "Hanging out at Home", the picture labeled "dressing up") She also has a bit of a shoe fetish. She loves to try on anyone and everyone's shoes. She'll change her shoes several times a day. She seems to especially like "pip pops" flip flops, or at least she tries a lot of them on - maybe because they are easy for her to put on herself. I prayed that she wouldn't be prissy...and although she is pretty girly, she will conquer any slide she finds and almost picked up both a frog and a snake the other day. Thanks, Lord, for giving me a well-balanced little girl. She's so much fun!


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