Tuesday, March 17, 2009

14 months

What a month for trying new things!

crayons, play-dough and watercolors
popsicles, ranch dip with carrots and ice cream (Thanks, Uncle Eric)

rediscovering outside play with swings (Thanks, Katherine!) and slides

Elisha really surprised me the first time we went to the playground. She was so adventurous and conquered every climbing area and slide she saw.

playing with pots and pans and hiding in the kitchen cabinet

Micah never climbed into this cabinet until Elisha showed him how. Now they try to both get in there at once and giggle, giggle, giggle.

tap-dancing at the Children's Museum of Atlanta

Elisha is trying to give up her morning nap and just take just one nap in the afternoon, but sometimes, she just doesn't make it.


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