Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Myself, please!

In the last two days, Elisha has eaten oatmeal, sweet potatoes and cottage cheese by herself with a spoon out of her bowl. It started when she pointed to the spoon and then signed please. How could I say no to such a polite request? She got the spoon into her mouth amazingly well. She just needed some help getting the food onto the spoon - and that with some convincing. In addition to walking and feeding herself with a spoon, Elisha is exercising her independence in other ways: she shook her head no, then turned and walked away when I asked her to come on Saturday. She's also been trying to take toys away from Micah. What next, little lady?


Blogger Three Fold Cord said...

What birthday are we celebrating ?? Her two year or 1 year- SHe is amazing

November 5, 2008 at 7:37 PM  

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